Spring is the time of plans and projects. – Leo Tolstoy

Have you been thinking about selling your home? If you’ve simply been waiting for the best time to have the most prospects and success with the outcome of selling your home, wait no more– Spring is the best time of year to market your house for sale.

Here are a few basic tips for Real Estate agents and home owners alike to prepare a home for the Spring Market:

1) Wash windows inside and out / polish all mirrors

2) Make sure blinds and curtains are clean tooc147635_s

3) Outside: Rake the yard / trim back bushes – Tidy up!

4) Inside: Clip some sweet-smelling flowers (like lilacs or gardenias) to look beautiful and smell good. This will make prospective buyers feel right at home.

4) Make sure those floors are spick and span!

5) Put down a welcome mat inside and outside to help keep those floors clean.

Spring is a time for cleaning, renewal, rebirth, and beautiful weather, so why not use this time of year to do all of these things with your home. And remember, it is a seller’s market right now.  So maximize on the beauty of Spring and list your home during this time of year.